My Degree Final Project was an iOS app to receive offers and discounts, based on the user’s location, in outdoor and indoor areas. Using an indoor positioning system called Situm.

Things learned

🗺 Google Maps SDK

🔑 Google Sign In

🎊 Particle emitters with CAEmitterLayer

🔥 Firebase

  • Real time database, streaming changes with text/event-stream
  • REST API to read and write the database
  • Cloud functions
    • Database triggered
    • HTTP triggered

📍 Situm SDK

📷 QR generation and scanning


⏲️ Cron jobs to activate the HTTP triggered cloud functions

🎙️ Siri shortcuts

📨 Testing requests with Postman

🖌️ UI design with Adobe Xd

How does it work

  • Employers
    • Create offers
    • Register employees
  • Employees
    • Scan QR codes
  • Users
    • Receive offers