Supporting this Apple feature is very useful and improves user experience.

Create a Spotlight item

When the user answers a question at the translation’s quiz, that translation can be stored in Spotlight so it can be reviewed easily.

/// Updates a translation in CloudKit and adds it to Spotlight.
/// - Parameter translation: The translation that will be updated.
func update(_ translation: Translation) {
    let translationID = translation.objectID.uriRepresentation().absoluteString
    let attributeSet = CSSearchableItemAttributeSet(contentType: .text)
    attributeSet.title = translation.translationInput
    attributeSet.contentDescription = translation.translationOutput
    let searchableItem = CSSearchableItem(
        uniqueIdentifier: translationID,
        domainIdentifier: "com.serg-ios.MyVocabulary",
        attributeSet: attributeSet

Please, note that this is a very basic Spotlight item, they are much more customizable but I decided to use only the fields title and contentDescription.

The uniqueIdentifier identifies univocally the item, note that an NSManagedObjectID is being used to make the translation retrievable from the NSManagedObjectContext once the user has selected the Spotlight item. I didn’t implement this though, I decided to provide the default action (launching the app).

Delete Spotlight data

The domainIdentifier groups all the items that have this field in common, so they can be deleted together at once.

An item can be deleted individually too, but I didn’t implement this. All Spotlight items are removed at once when the user deletes all the imported translations.

/// Delete all the objects of a specific type from iCloud and removes all Spotlight data.
/// - Parameter objectType: The type of the objects that will be removed.
func deleteAll(_ objectType: NSManagedObject.Type) {
    let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult> = objectType.fetchRequest()
    let batchDeleteRequest = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: fetchRequest)
    _ = try? container.viewContext.executeAndMergeChanges(using: batchDeleteRequest)
    CSSearchableIndex.default().deleteSearchableItems(withDomainIdentifiers: ["com.serg-ios.MyVocabulary"])

Attach a NSManagedObject to a CSSearchableItem

Here, an uniqueIdentifier was attached to the CSSearchableItem, so it could be retrievable when the app is open through Spotlight.

The reverse operation has to be made, this time from ID to object.

/// Tries to obtain a stored translation with its object ID.
/// - Parameter uniqueIdentifier: The object ID of the managed object, a translation in this case.
/// - Returns: The translation that has that object ID.
func translation(with uniqueIdentifier: String) -> Translation? {
    guard let url = URL(string: uniqueIdentifier),
          let id = container.persistentStoreCoordinator.managedObjectID(forURIRepresentation: url) else {
        return nil
    return try? container.viewContext.existingObject(with: id) as? Translation

See how to obtain this ID when the app opens.